Page name: pseudo html pro [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-05-13 15:02:08
Last author: Penguinlord
Owner: Penguinlord
# of watchers: 24
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Pseudo HTML

This is a list of the codes that can be used throughout Elftown in wikis, forums, messages, anything at all to change the format of the text.

Container Tags


Bold text


Italic text


Underlined text


Superscript text


Subscript text


Large text



Medium text



Pre-formatted text (standard font, size, no tags)


Huge text



Centered text


Right-aligned text


Coloured text
Houses only
Donors only
See <URL:donate.html> for colours and donations.


Strikethrough text


Single tags

Horizontal rule




Resized image (number is pixels wide)
Place an * before the number to resize by height rather than width.


Stretched image (numbers are dimesions)



User link


Wiki link
[pseudo html@wiki]
pseudo html


Editing wiki link
[pseudo html@wikiedit]
pseudo html [edit]


Wiki version link
[pseudo html@wiki1]
pseudo html 1


Wiki comment link
[pseudo html@wiki#wc]
pseudo html#wc


Web link (just write the url out)


Posting link (a post in a forum)


Poll link


Diary entry link


Private forum link (number is forumnumber, word is password. With this, members can add themselves)
<joinforum:1102:chess> (Chess)


Public forum link (number is forum number)


News link (number is news no.)


Elftown link (link to anywhere on elftown, just remove from the url)



Viewable tags (like in this document)
<!uQt!b> [pseudo html@!uQt!wiki] <!uQt!/b>
<b> [pseudo html@wiki] </b>


Templates (Template Guide)


Creates a poll much like one in your house, with the added options of selecting possible voters and administrators based on page ownership and private forum membership


Voting poll
Creates a poll as above, but the names of the voters are shown


Multivoting poll
The same as above, only voters may select multiple options


Links within a wiki page
The first one is the target of the link, and will be invisible. The second is what you actually click. The hashes are obligatory. Example:
[#Top of page]
This can also be added to the end of a wiki name to go to that marker in that page.
[Pseudo HTML pro@wiki#Top of page]
Pseudo HTML pro#Top of page


made by [Penguinlord]
Feedback appreciated

Username (or number or email):


2005-03-23 [Penguinlord]: addition: right-aligned text

2005-07-25 [hanhepi]: strikethrough needs to be added. <s> strikethrough tag ending in </s>

2005-07-28 [spiritee]: what's strikethrough?

2005-07-28 [Sunrose]: strikethrough ;)

2005-07-28 [Penguinlord]: okite.

2005-07-28 [spiritee]: ah, thank you, [Sunrose]~

2005-08-22 [GoneLikeTheWind]: how do you color the font?

2005-08-22 [spiritee]: Donate to Elftown.

2005-08-22 [Kelaria]: you should make it more obvious above the tags on this page that you can ONLY have colors if you donate.

2005-08-22 [Penguinlord]: yeah i guess

2005-08-22 [Penguinlord]: hows that?

2005-08-22 [Kelaria]: that's good ^^

2005-08-22 [Kelaria]: I've just seen the tags in peoples houses. and obviously they dont work... so I think people need to realize that they're not for just anyone.

2005-08-23 [Penguinlord]: (added editing wiki and wiki version links)

2005-08-23 [Kelaria]: the only one I dont get is the forum link thing... couldnt someone just have the username 1111? or are usernames not allowed to be only numbers?

2005-08-23 [ally]: usernames need an @ to be linked to ^^

2005-08-23 [Kelaria]: only when you put the user's number. I never use that method though. I always just do [Kelaria] or [ally].

2005-08-23 [Kelaria]: so I'm guessing that usernames cannot be only numbers. (as the actual username, not the member number)

2005-08-23 [Penguinlord]: yeah, not allowed.

2005-08-23 [Penguinlord]: thats odd. [@0] comes out [Deleted user], even though user no. 0 never existed...

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